Frontend User Manager Guide

What is Frontend User Manager?

FUM is a Joomla! extension that aims to allow advanced user management and filtering in Joomla! Frontend.

As per release 0.2 the extension only provides full users listing with advanced filtering in the Joomla! Frontend

What are the key points of FUM?

  • Provides user listing in the Frontend.
  • Allows showing Joomla! Profile Fields in the listing.
  • Advance user search and filtering, including profile fields in your search.
  • Responsive view for listings


This extension is installed through Joomla installer as many other extensions


To update the extension, install the new package through Joomla! Installer on top of old version.

Setting up FUM

Right now FUM is just a view to allow user management in the Frontend. So you need to create a menu item of the type Frontend User Manager - Show Users 


Extensions Hepta